C# DateTime Usage

Below are a couple of methods for making working with DateTime objects easier that I thought I’d collate into a single post. Default Value When using a newly initialised DateTime object as a source for an input field in an MVC project it will default to 01/01/0001. In order to Read more…

Week Numbers in C#

One of the options in bootstrap-datepicker is to show the week number on the same row as the days of the week. This numbers the weeks using the ISO-8061 standard which is fine (though it would be nice to have the option to change locale), for my purposes I wanted Read more…

Azure Computer Vision API

The Azure computer vision API can be used to retrieve information about an image including tags, descriptions and categories along with their associated confidence scores. The Microsoft quickstart guide to using this is here and my releated code is below. This retrieves an image file from Azure Storage and streams Read more…