A while ago I knocked up a NuGet package called PgpCore which uses the BouncyCastle library to easily encrypt and decrypt files and streams.
The code for the project is here and this post is mainly here to point anyone in need towards it as I had to fix a bug in it recently and was once again reminded of how many confusing StackOverflow answers exist about this subject.
using (PGP pgp = new PGP())
// Generate keys
pgp.GenerateKey(@"C:\TEMP\keys\public.asc", @"C:\TEMP\keys\private.asc", "email@email.com", "password");
// Encrypt file
pgp.EncryptFile(@"C:\TEMP\keys\content.txt", @"C:\TEMP\keys\content__encrypted.pgp", @"C:\TEMP\keys\public.asc", true, true);
// Encrypt and sign file
pgp.EncryptFileAndSign(@"C:\TEMP\keys\content.txt", @"C:\TEMP\keys\content__encrypted_signed.pgp", @"C:\TEMP\keys\public.asc", @"C:\TEMP\keys\private.asc", "password", true, true);
// Decrypt file
pgp.DecryptFile(@"C:\TEMP\keys\content__encrypted.pgp", @"C:\TEMP\keys\content__decrypted.txt", @"C:\TEMP\keys\private.asc", "password");
// Decrypt signed file
pgp.DecryptFile(@"C:\TEMP\keys\content__encrypted_signed.pgp", @"C:\TEMP\keys\content__decrypted_signed.txt", @"C:\TEMP\keys\private.asc", "password");
// Encrypt stream
using (FileStream inputFileStream = new FileStream(@"C:\TEMP\keys\content.txt", FileMode.Open))
using (Stream outputFileStream = File.Create(@"C:\TEMP\keys\content__encrypted2.pgp"))
using (Stream publicKeyStream = new FileStream(@"C:\TEMP\keys\public.asc", FileMode.Open))
pgp.EncryptStream(inputFileStream, outputFileStream, publicKeyStream, true, true);
// Decrypt stream
using (FileStream inputFileStream = new FileStream(@"C:\TEMP\keys\content__encrypted2.pgp", FileMode.Open))
using (Stream outputFileStream = File.Create(@"C:\TEMP\keys\content__decrypted2.txt"))
using (Stream privateKeyStream = new FileStream(@"C:\TEMP\keys\private.asc", FileMode.Open))
pgp.DecryptStream(inputFileStream, outputFileStream, privateKeyStream, "password");
Francisco Gil · 15 June 2022 at 10:43 am
What is the email necessary for?
Nikolay · 12 December 2022 at 7:19 pm
I am very grateful to you.
Nice job! You helped me a lot!