HTML Checkbox Switches

I’ve been using Switchery in various sites to make nice looking checkboxes, however whilst browsing the projects GitHub issues I spotted one post that said it was possible to replicate it’s functionality using pure CSS (though possibly at the cost of browser compatibility). This seems to work pretty nicely and Read more…

Invisible reCAPTCHA

I’ve previously used the Google one click reCAPTCHA in sites but as the new invisible version is out I figured I’d have a go at getting it to work. Previously I had the one click reCAPTCHA working as below where the result populated an invisible required field validated using Bootstrap Read more…

X-FRAME-OPTIONS Response Header

I hadn’t previously realised this but MVC adds an X-FRAME-OPTIONS: SAMEORIGIN header to site page responses as part of a security measure to prevent sites running in iframes. These can be removed in ASP.NET 5 applications by modifying the relevant option in Startup.cs.

ASP.NET 5 Middleware

The ability to create your own middleware comes in pretty handy when creating MVC 6 APIs as it allows the inspection and processing of the requests/responses flowing into and out of the application. A few of the most useful ones I’ve used are below, a good guide to using middleware Read more…

Tag helpers in ASP.NET

Tag helpers are a new feature in MVC 6 and are similar to the old style HTML helper methods though they have a more HTML like syntax. There’s plenty of good guides about how to use them around so I’m not going to rehash that here, instead, what I’m mostly Read more…

Live Chart.js Charts

I wanted to use Chart.js charts in my ASP.NET Core projects and as there didn’t seem to be anything existing that fit the bill decided to do it myself. Chart Creation There seems to be a few projects around for generating the relevant javascript for Chart.js but all the ones Read more…

Enabling HTTPS Rewrites

When setting up a website, even if it’s just a generic blog like this one, it’s good to encrypt traffic to and from it using SSL. Obtaining certificates If you’re hosting a site on it’s own custom domain name rather than using a free hosting provider then you’ll likely need Read more…