Masking Strings in C#

I recently needed to mask out some characters of a credit card string so that only the last 4 were displayed. Surprisingly there doesn’t seem to be many good examples of this so I decided to put together something myself and I figured it would be more useful as an Read more…

Reading Data from an ICloudBlob

Previously when I’ve wanted to read a blob from Azure Storage I’ve opened it as a CloudBlockBlob which allows you to read it using just OpenReadAsync(). If you want to use an ICloudBlob then you need to provide AccessCondition, BlobRequestOptions and OperationContext parameters, these can also be used with the Read more…

Azure Active Directory Token Caching

I’ve been working on a web portal that users Azure Active Directory (AAD) for user authentication and for requesting permissions to the Azure Graph API, the code for which is based on this sample project. This uses a library called Microsoft.Identity.Web that assists with acquiring and storing tokens, currently this Read more…