Invisible reCAPTCHA

I’ve previously used the Google one click reCAPTCHA in sites but as the new invisible version is out I figured I’d have a go at getting it to work. Previously I had the one click reCAPTCHA working as below where the result populated an invisible required field validated using Bootstrap Read more…

X-FRAME-OPTIONS Response Header

I hadn’t previously realised this but MVC adds an X-FRAME-OPTIONS: SAMEORIGIN header to site page responses as part of a security measure to prevent sites running in iframes. These can be removed in ASP.NET 5 applications by modifying the relevant option in Startup.cs.

ASP.NET 5 Middleware

The ability to create your own middleware comes in pretty handy when creating MVC 6 APIs as it allows the inspection and processing of the requests/responses flowing into and out of the application. A few of the most useful ones I’ve used are below, a good guide to using middleware Read more…

Tag helpers in ASP.NET

Tag helpers are a new feature in MVC 6 and are similar to the old style HTML helper methods though they have a more HTML like syntax. There’s plenty of good guides about how to use them around so I’m not going to rehash that here, instead, what I’m mostly Read more…