If you have a blob in Azure Storage that you want to have a look at first before deciding whether to download it or not you can open up a stream from it and use a StreamReader to read as many rows as you want from it.

In my case I just wanted to have a look at the initial header row to try and determine what type of file it was before deciding on where to download it.

public async Task<string> GetBlobFileTypeAsync(CloudBlockBlob blob)
	using (Stream blobStream = await blob.OpenReadAsync())
		using (StreamReader blobStreamReader = new StreamReader(blobStream))
			string header = await blobStreamReader.ReadLineAsync();
			if (header == "idtype,idvalue,timestamp,type,domain,ipaddress,eventid")
				return "events";
			else if (header == "idtype,idvalue,eventid,name,value")
				return "attributes";
				throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown file structure");


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